Proposal Process

The HeadStarter DAO operates a structured proposal process to ensure community-driven decisions are well-discussed, thoroughly vetted, and effectively implemented. Here’s a refined proposal process based on industry best standards:

Phase 1: Ideation

  • Discussion Initiation: Bring up the idea in the HeadStarter Discord server's "DAO-proposals" channel, tagging everyone for full awareness. This encourages initial community discussion and engagement.

  • Tier Restriction: This action is restricted by tier to ensure that only engaged and invested community members can propose significant changes.

Phase 2: Drafting the Proposal

  • Proposal Drafting: Create a detailed proposal that includes:

    • Summary: A concise description of the proposal’s end result and desired changes (a few sentences).

    • Motivation: Explain why this proposal is necessary or useful for the community. Highlight the value it adds and the problem or opportunity it addresses.

    • Scope of Work: Provide detailed steps on how the proposal will tackle the issue. Include action items, probable timelines, and final goals.

    • Success Metrics and KPIs: Define how the community will measure the project's success.

    • Details of Proposers: Briefly introduce the proposers and include their Discord handles.

Proposal Template:

csharpCopy code**Summary**
[Brief description of the proposal]

[Explanation of the proposal's necessity and value]

**Scope of Work**
[Detailed action plan with timelines and goals]

**Success Metrics and KPIs**
[Metrics for measuring success]

**Details of Proposers**
[Information about the proposers and their Discord handles]
  • Community Sharing: Post the detailed proposal in the "proposals-discussion" channel for thorough community review and feedback.

Phase 3: Submission

  • Discord Approval: After sufficient discussion and refinement, a live stage meeting will be scheduled to review the proposal. During this meeting:

    • Review: The proposal will be reviewed in detail.

    • Quorum Setting: The default quorum for the vote will be identified.

    • Timeline: A timeline for the voting process will be established.

Phase 4: Voting

  • Snapshot Posting: Once approved during the live meeting, the proposal will be posted by one of the HeadStarter Core team members on HeadStarter's Snapshot for a formal vote.

  • Voting Execution:

    • Small/Non-Complicated Proposals: These can be voted on directly in Discord polls for quick execution.

    • Significant Proposals: These will undergo a formal voting process on Snapshot to ensure all community members have the opportunity to vote.

Disclaimer: The HeadStarter DAO reserves the right to modify the proposal process to better serve the community's needs and ensure effective governance.

This structured approach ensures that all proposals are carefully considered, transparently discussed, and democratically decided, fostering a robust and inclusive governance system for the HeadStarter community.

Last updated