Initial Holder Offerings

Initial Holders Offerings (IHOs) on HeadStarter are a unique fundraising mechanism that involves the community in the decision-making process through DAO voting. This ensures that projects supported by the community have a chance to succeed, even if they don't meet the strict criteria of traditional IDOs.

What is an IHO?

An Initial Holders Offering (IHO) is similar to an IDO but with the added element of a DAO vote. This democratic process allows the HeadStarter community to have a direct say in which projects get funded, ensuring that promising projects do not fall through the cracks due to stringent eligibility criteria.

IHO Process on HeadStarter

  1. Proposal Submission:

    • A formal IHO proposal is submitted for consideration. This proposal includes detailed information about the project and its potential benefits to the community.

  2. DAO Voting:

    • The HeadStarter DAO members have 48 hours to vote on the proposed IHO motion.

    • Voting options are YES or NO.

  3. Supermajority Requirement:

    • For the motion to pass, it must receive a supermajority of >75% of the expressed votes.

    • A passing vote enables the project to conduct an IHO event.

  4. IHO Event Execution:

    • Once approved, the IHO event operates similarly to an IDO, with token sales and distributions managed through the HeadStarter platform.

Future Enhancements

As the protoDAO evolves towards on-chain settlement, additional criteria such as a minimum voting quorum will be introduced to further refine the decision-making process.


IHOs on HeadStarter empower the community by allowing them to vote on project proposals, ensuring that innovative and promising projects receive the support they need. This democratic approach enhances the inclusivity and robustness of the fundraising process on the platform.

Last updated