HST Holder Tiers

The existing Tier list of HST holdings dictates access to IDOs, INOs, Private Sales & other events

Tier 1 - 5000 HST or more

Tier 2 - 200,000 HST or more

Tier 3 - 1,000,000 HST or more

The Amount of HST holding per wallet are calculated based on the formula: HST freely held in wallet + + HST committed in SaucerSwap V1 pool (ssLP-HST-WHBAR) + HST committed in SaucerSwap HST/HBAR V2 pool** + (HST committed in HeadStarter SSS) x time staked

To check current tier, consult https://app.headstarter.org/portfolio

*Tier list may be subject to modifications once Staking is enabled *HeadStarter reserves the right to change Tier structure in the future.

Last updated