NFT Burning & Redeeming

HeadStarter Utility NFTs can be burnt at any time should the holder of the asset desire to waive the built-in and perpetual utility inherited by holding the NFT. Other HeadStarter launched projects may leverage the same functionalities, including HLiquity, Earthlings, Sphera, and more.

How to Burn NFTs & Redeem Claimable Tokens:

  1. Visit the Portfolio Page:

  2. Burning HeadStarter Utility NFTs:

    • Refer to the Redeem HeadStarter Tokens section on the Portfolio page.

  3. Burning NFTs of Other Projects (e.g., HLiquity &

    • Refer to the Redeem Other Tokens section on the Portfolio page.

  4. Claiming Vested Allocations After Burning NFTs:

    • Refer to the NFT Active Allocations section on the Portfolio page to see all relevant dates and terms of the vesting schedule.

  5. Querying Circulating Supply and Utility Sets:

    • Refer to the NFT Utilities Legend section on the Portfolio page to query the current circulating supply and utility set of the HeadStarter Utility NFTs.

HeadStarter Utility NFTs Details:

  1. HeadStarter Exclusive Coin - 0.0.1041134 - Circulating Supply 9 Mint supply: 10 (1 NFT in HeadStarter reserves)

- Burnable for 160,000 HST (50% - 80,000 HST airdropped at burn & the remaining 50% claimable after 6 months)

2. HeadStarter Gold Coin - 0.0.1041132 - Circulating Supply 25 Minted supply: 50 (2 NFTs in HeadStarter reserves)

Burnable for 80,000 HST (50% - 40,000 HST airdropped at burn & the remaining 50% claimable after 6 months)

3. HeadStarter Silver Coin - 0.0.1041130 - Circulating Supply 37 Minted supply: 100 (4 NFTs in HeadStarter reserves)

Burnable for 40,000 HST (50% - 20,000 HST airdropped at burn & the remaining 50% claimable after 6 months)

4. HeadStarter Bronze Coin - 0.0.1032592 - Circulating Supply 50 Minted supply: 200 (8 NFTs in HeadStarter reserves)

Burnable for 20,000 HST (50% - 10,000 HST airdropped at burn & the remaining 50% claimable after 6 months)

For more information about HeadStarter Utility NFTs please refer to HeadStarter Utility NFTs page.

Last updated