Token Metrics

Key HST Token Metrics

The Day 1 utility of the $HST token comes in the form of enabling eligibility for IDO participation. Additional utility to be expected involves lock-up reward incentives, IDO fee rewards, access to exclusive rounds and participation in DAO governance.

We are actively exploring the possibility of extending the reach of HeadStarter as an Accelerator and Launchpad to wider crypto communities by making the wrapped version of the token available on EVM chains and through listings on leading CEXs.

Distribution Details

HST token — 0.0.968069(Hedera mainnet) — Max supply 2.5B

HST tokens are distributed across the following verticals:

Token Distribution 0.0.968012 — Account responsible for distributing tokens to private round investors, IDO(Initial Decentralized Offering) Smart Contracts and airdrops to NFT burns and other initiatives Note: current Account supply in $HST will be reduced to reflect actual distribution amount ~5.6%

Team & advisors 0.0.968013 — Account responsible with the distribution of tokens to team and advisors based on vesting periods

Liquidity Fund 0.0.968014 — Account holds tokens used for liquidity and strategic partnerships

Treasury 0.0.968016 — Holding the vested tokens of the HeadStarter treasury and Foundation funds

Reserves 0.0.968017 — Responsible with vested emissions for Marketing, Legal & Technology efforts Note: All unused emissions will be cycled back to treasury and rewards

Staking & reward subsidies 0.0.968019 — Account responsible with the distribution of HST tokens between users opting to lock-up their $HST holdings

Detailed vertical Breakthrough and vesting periods:

Last updated